LINK is dedicated to the growth and evolution of the testing industry, and to providing innovative solutions that our customers rely on for testing and developing the next generation of equipment and products. Join our global thought leaders for in-depth knowledge sharing webinars, discussing the latest equipment developments, software, and LINK solutions available. We aim to connect our customers around the world to our dedicated team of product experts, as well as provide education, answer burning questions, and introduce new solutions and testing methodologies.
Visit this page frequently to keep up-to-date on and to register for upcoming webinars.
Find our most recent and most popular events below:
Recorded 12.12.2024
In this webinar, we will discuss what a Driveline Dynamometer is, along with what applications they can be used for. We will also cover the equipment and capabilities LINK has to offer at our Dearborn Technical Center.
Recorded 11.12.2024
This webinar provides key information so that you can adapt your development programs to ensure compliance by providing a) an overview of the EURO 7 related to tire abrasion, b) current structure of the UNR 117 and the proposed amendment with Annex 10, c) core technical elements of the onroad convoy and the indoor drum test methods, including practical examples of the development of a vehicle circuit for light vehicles.
This webinar targets tire development engineers; test teams responsible for validating new tire applications or tire designs; vehicle and tire program managers accountable for ensuring type approval and conformity of production; and stakeholders responsible for developing, implementing, and operating type approval programs in different regions.
Recorded 10.1.2024
At Link Engineering Company, we are committed to leading the way in brake testing innovation, ensuring we meet and exceed the evolving technical and regulatory demands of our industry. We invite you to join our knowledge-sharing webinar, where we will be covering the latest advancements in brake emissions testing.
During the session, our expert team will review:
Recorded 12.12.2024
In this webinar, we will discuss what a Driveline Dynamometer is, along with what applications they can be used for. We will also cover the equipment and capabilities LINK has to offer at our Dearborn Technical Center.
Recorded 12.5.2024
This webinar quickly highlights the LINK Package Vibration Tester. Testing packaging to ASTM D4169, ISTA protocols, and other custom vibration testing up to 200 Hz is essential for ensuring the durability and reliability of packaging systems under real-world conditions.
Recorded 11.12.2024
This webinar provides key information so that you can adapt your development programs to ensure compliance by providing a) an overview of the EURO 7 related to tire abrasion, b) current structure of the UNR 117 and the proposed amendment with Annex 10, c) core technical elements of the onroad convoy and the indoor drum test methods, including practical examples of the development of a vehicle circuit for light vehicles.
This webinar targets tire development engineers; test teams responsible for validating new tire applications or tire designs; vehicle and tire program managers accountable for ensuring type approval and conformity of production; and stakeholders responsible for developing, implementing, and operating type approval programs in different regions.
Recorded 10.1.2024
At Link Engineering Company, we are committed to leading the way in brake testing innovation, ensuring we meet and exceed the evolving technical and regulatory demands of our industry. We invite you to join our knowledge-sharing webinar, where we will be covering the latest advancements in brake emissions testing.
During the session, our expert team will review:
Recorded 9.5.2024
As modal values (eigen frequencies, damping and mode shapes) become more and more important for quality control and model updating of FE- models, this webinar is focused on basic explanation of different methods in structural dynamics. Assumptions and requirements will be addressed and problems like nonlinearities will be discussed with a look on technical examples. Relevant expressions will be explained.
Um webinar para explicar como o COMBO IAM é eficaz como ferramenta de teste para materiais de fricção de reposição (pastilhas de freio). O COMBO IAM é um pacote de testes de 3 dimensões: DESEMPENHO (Atrito), CONFORTO (NVH) e DURABILIDADE (Desgaste) combinadas em um relatório de uma página para comparação e a ideia sobre os testes e a metodologia desenvolvida.
With the maturity and cost reduction of the control by wire, as well as the development of autonomous driving technology, EMB will be increasingly used in vehicles. At present, LINK has developed test solutions and dyno test software for electro-mechanical braking systems, which will continue to help the development of EMB braking systems.
Webinar topics include:
1. Market advantages of EMB
2. CAN FD communication
3. EMB dyno test solutions
4. Customizing your EMB upgrade
5. Upgrade content
Recorded 3.27.2024
This webinar will focus on the introduction of brake emissions testing specifications and procedures, as well as the latest developments of brake emissions-related standards. Technical achievements of LINK's brake emissions testing and plans for future emissions related testing equipment will also be featured.
Recorded 2.8.2024
Este webinar falará sobre o procedimento de teste SAE J2521, que é utilizado para conhecer a tendência de um sistema de freio causar ruído durante a frenagem. Houveram atualizações importantes relacionadas a norma. Durante este webinar, revisaremos o procedimento, dispositivos, relatórios e as diferenças com a versão anterior da norma.
SAE International has recently released an update to the noise procedure for passenger cars and a brand-new procedure aimed at noise evaluation of air brakes used on commercial vehicles. During this webinar, we will have a review of the two procedures and will provide an understanding of the LINK solution and how it addresses the potential challenges when running either test on existing dynamometers.
Presented by Calspan and LINK
Recorded 9.27.2023
During this knowledge-sharing session, experts from both Calspan and Link Engineering Company will cover the various methods and tools used for capturing effective data of a compromised tire, and how this data is used in overall tire development. Utilizing Calspan's engineering know-how and experience in creating efficient data collection tools with LINK’s ability to design and manufacture machinery will result in an optimized, efficient solution for your tire testing needs.
Recorded 5.11.2023
¿Cómo validan que los materiales de fricción que desarrollan y comercializan funcionan de manera efectiva para vehículos híbridos y eléctricos? Lo invitamos a nuestro webinar acerca de “Soluciones de pruebas para nuevas tecnologías de frenado ”, el jueves 11 de mayo, a las 9am CDT, en donde hablaremos acerca de este y otros temas
Recorded 2.23.2023
Anualmente escuchamos que millones de vehículos son llamados a revisión por fallas potenciales relativas a seguridad, una herramienta de gran utilidad para validar componentes y vehículo, como elementos de un sistema, son las pruebas vehiculares instrumentadas, que cobran mayor relevancia con los componentes usados para el manejo asistido avanzado (ADAS).
Recorded 12.15.2022
This webinar has been developed to provide our customers, suppliers, and partners with a practical overview of the key elements related to anyone supplying a braking system in a market that will one day require Euro 7 compliance.
Recorded 7.14.2022
Please contact a LINK team member for a recording of this event:
Recorded 6.3.2022
Please contact a LINK team member for a recording of this event:
Recorded 5.17.2022
Webinar topics include:
• General overview and discussion of vehicle testing
• Why vehicle testing (VTD)?
• Pushing reasons
• Overview of available vehicle testing procedures
• Vehicle testing from LINK's point of view
Recorded 3.24.2022
Webinar topics include:
• Key concepts on regenerative braking and electrified powertrains
• Regenerative torque v. speed profiles and vehicle losses
• Integration into a regular dynamometer test
• Examples from dynamometer tests
• Outlook for integration of the State of Charge
Recorded 2.10.2022
The V-Map add-in provides the user a method to guide a driver to different GPS waypoints of interest. This can be used for on-road as well as on the proving ground testing programs. This live presentation will walk through the software, its applications, and set up. Open to all current V-Max customers and prospective customers interested in standardizing any custom on-road vehicle test cycle and learning about LINK's V-Map Add-In.
Recorded 1.20.2022
¿Cuánto sabe acerca de las pruebas en dinamómetro para frenos de servicio del remolque? Lo invitamos a nuestro webinar acerca de este tema relevante para los involucrados en el transporte de carga.
Recorded 10.6.2021
Nehmen Sie an unserem live Webinar für unser mobiles Datenerfassungssystem, dem V-Max teil. Während des Events werden wir Ihnen die beiden Add-Ins „CSV Playback“ and V-Map“ näherbringen und Fragen beantworten. Die Präsentation wird in Deutsch gehalten
Recorded 9.10.2021
This short conversational, Q&A-style event features Tim Duncan, LINK EVP Business Development & Global Test Operations, and Carlos Agudelo, Director of Applications Engineering. To better understand how the committees, working groups, and task forces work, how the existing standards or recommended practices evolve, or how to join a given standards development process, bring your questions to this webinar and listen to others to enhance your knowledge and leverage test methods to your advantage.
Recorded 7.15.2021
Las pruebas de emisiones de frenos en un dinamómetro de frenos de inercia involucran una gran cantidad de canales de datos de múltiples instrumentos, sensores y transductores. Este desafío requiere una plantilla de informes sólida que proporcione información útil y fácilmente legible para el usuario final. En este seminario web, analizaremos una solución sinérgica desarrollada para adquirir, procesar y presentar datos de prueba en un solo informe.
Recorded 6.30.2021
Participants will learn why cleat and HSU tests are important and how they apply to vehicles ranging from passenger cars to commercial vehicles. The webinar will include best practices when conducting these tests, what makes these testing machines unique, and how the data are processed to provide meaningful results to the end user.
Recorded 6.8.2021
Brake emissions tests on an inertia brake dynamometer involve a large number of data channels from multiple instruments, sensors, and transducers. This challenge necessitates a robust reporting template providing useful and easily readable information to the end-user. In this webinar, we will go through a synergistic solution developed to acquire, process, and present test data in a single report.
Recorded 5.4.2021
This session will introduce and discuss the main parts of LINK's Hub Motor and NVH Test System, the Model 6642. We will cover some of the combined testing applications incorporating both hydraulic friction brake & motor test scenarios.
Recorded 4.29.2021
Esta sesión cubrirá:
Configuración administrativa
Funcionalidad principal de LabLINK
Labs, roles de usuario, privilegios y notificaciones
Diseño y creación de solicitudes de prueba
Programación de tareas
Utilización de equipos
Gestión de datos
Recorded 4.8.2021 - 4.22.2021
Session 1: LabLINK Overview
Session 2: LabLINK Installation and Setup
Session 3: LabLINK Test Request
Session 4: LabLINK Test Scheduling & Equipment Utilization
Recorded 3.25.2021
Join us as we discuss the types of tire models, their benefits, costs, and testing requirements.
Presented and moderated by:
Dr. James F. Cuttino, Director, Tire Technology and Product Line, Link Engineering
Mr. Michael Stackpole, President, Stackpole Engineering Services
Recorded 3.4.2021
Si realiza pruebas de vehículos para validar el rendimiento del material de fricción o instrumenta las pruebas de su vehículo para recopilar datos, lo invitamos a unirse a esta sesión. Discutiremos las pruebas de vehículos instrumentados de LINK y cómo evaluar los datos de manera objetiva. Esta presentación se realizará en español.
Recorded 11.17.2020
Cuánto se deformará un material de fricción cuando el conductor presione el pedal de freno? Contribuirá la deformación a percibir un frenado esponjoso? La compresibilidad de un material de fricción puede medirse fácilmente, la prueba se usa como control de calidad y también durante el desarrollo. Participe en la sesión donde hablaremos acerca de las pruebas de compresibilidad.
Recorded 11.13.2020
This course will give the owner/operators of a Tescor ECU-2/3 a general overview of the maintenance, mechanics, refrigeration circuit, air flow and touchscreen. The course will touch on the basics of operating and troubleshooting the machine without the need of a refrigeration license or pressure gauges. We will review the basic refrigeration cycle of this machine, air flow pattern and the theory of the duel cooling coil air path, user interface located within the Allen Bradley PanelView touchscreen including the password protected PID objects, and general maintenance requirements.
Recorded 10.22.2020
Acompáñenos en este webinar donde hablaremos acerca de la prueba de fricción Krauss, una forma útil para Control de Calidad y Desarrollo para caracterizar la fricción y el desgaste usando piezas completas acorde a ECE R90. Aprenda acerca de este ensayo y del equipo LINK donde se ejecuta.
Recorded 10.15.2020
This session will discuss one of the hot topics of pollution monitoring agencies and industry stakeholders – automotive brake emissions. Emissions generated from vehicle braking is foreseen to remain an active topic of interest while the industry is gradually steering towards battery-operated vehicles equipped with regenerative braking systems. We will use the LINK M6330 brake emissions measurement system to review several important aspects while measuring brake emissions in a laboratory setting. We will cover the ABCs of brake emissions, namely airflow, brake enclosure, capture zones, and design recommendations. The LINK M6330 is ISO 17025 certified and is built upon several industry standards such as ISO 9096, EPA Method 1A, and 40 CFR 1065 along with complying several essential recommendations from PMP.
Recorded 8.27.2020
This presentation will discuss LINK’s chase testing machine, the purpose of the SAE J661 test, and why it’s useful. Also discussed will be additional tests that can be conducted and how a chase machine can be utilized for much more than J661 testing. This presentation was recorded in English with Spanish support.
Recorded 7.16.2020
En esta sesión hablaremos acerca de las pruebas dinamométricas más comunes para pastillas y balatas, especialmente acerca de la prueba que simula tráfico en ciudad y que produce información de ruido y durabilidad.
Recorded 6.9.2020
The M-3500 Controller provides a solution that is focused on structural testing of mechanical components and systems. This integrated package includes function generation, simple and advanced control algorithms, transducer conditioning, and data acquisition.
Recorded 5.13.2020
A general overview of LINK’s portable data acquisition system, the V-Max 4000.The session will review system capabilities and example use cases ranging from bench testing to ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems).
Recorded 5.8.2020
This session will review moment method mapping using LINK’s biaxial machine and demonstrate how the method compares to the strain gauge method.
Recorded 4.29.2020
This seminar provides an overview of tire testing methods, how to interpret tire data, a brief summary of tire modeling, and new developments in tire testing machinery. The seminar reviews sample tire characterization curves and explains the correlating vehicle performance, and also explains the push for tire models by the OEM customer. New products designed to further integrate tire testing into suspension and steering design are also discussed.
Recorded 4.28.2020
Dynamometer Test Cycles: The session will review both basic and advanced brake dynamometer test cycles. General cycle structure and programming examples will be provided at each step.
Recorded 4.9.2020
This session covered the following LabLINK topics: